Electrician, serving Apex, Cary, Holly Springs & Raleigh

Burned out Prong on Plug Cord

Group Project Indeed!

When you have a 4 person group project but you’re the only one doing any work #burntout #GroupProjects #Thereusedtobe4prongs
Cary, Apex Electrician added interior lighting

Have a Dark Closet or Pantry?

Have a dark closet or pantry? We have solutions!
Give Your Home an Electrical Safety Checkup

Power of Past Posts - Electrical Safety Checklist from ESFI

Give Your Home an Electrical Safety Checkup Just as regular wellness checkups are critical for maintaining your health, routine safety checkups are critical for the safety of your home.  Use ESFI's handy Electrical Safety Checkup list…
Smart Home Installation

Smarten Up Your Home

We can help smarten up your home to thwart the wet bandits!  Google Assistant plus smart appliances = more security for your home.  Watch their video here: Google Assistant Call today for a free quote 919-888-3500
Solar Panel

Greener Communities - Solar Panel Energy

Are you willing to pay more for a greener home? How about a greener community? Developer Syd Kitson has been building a planned community north of Ft. Meyers, Florida, that is just that. See the story at this news site: Babcock Ranch Or,…
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