Electrician, serving Apex, Cary, Holly Springs & Raleigh

Raleigh - One of the Best Cities to work in 2019

Raleigh #3!! Charlotte #41 (Best Cities to Work in 2019)

Raleigh #3!! Charlotte #41 ???? probably cause we don’t service the Charlotte area. Sorry Charlotte #Expansionsoon #Raleigh #Goodjobbeinghappyeveryone ???? http://fortune.com/2019/01/17/best-cities-to-work-in-2019/  
Very Young ARC Electrician

Start Them young!

Start Them young! Don’t listen to @arc.plumbing #CheapLabor #ARCElectric #Greatforcrawlspaces
LED for Commercial Parking Lot Lighting

It’s time to get your parking lot lights out of 1999. Upgrade to LED

It’s 2019 ????! It’s time to get your parking lot lights out of 1999. Upgrade to LED, the environment and your wallet???? will thank you. #MassiveSavings #LoweryourpowerbillToday #SorryDukeEnergy #Notreallysorry #theywillsurvive
Creepy Door - Electrical Safety Inspection

Why are the creepy doors always on Monday’s?

Why are the creepy doors always on Monday’s? #WhyIsThereALock #Nope #whatsbehinddoornumber1
Safety Inspection - Burned Outlet

What your outlet is NOT suppose to look like

What your outlet is NOT suppose to look like. #Icanfixit#fixitfelix#ARCElectrictotherescue  
Halogen Lamps

Testing The new Halogen Lamps for the Times Square New Years ball

Testing The new Halogen Lamps for the Times Square New Years ball in 1978, How many WHITE LED’s are found on this years ball? Will post correct answer later this evening! #Googlingischeating #Noonelikesacheater #lightupthenewyear The…
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