Electrician, serving Apex, Cary, Holly Springs & Raleigh

Sparking Wires in Outlet

Well... there’s your problem

Well... there’s your problem... To prevent Problems like these maybe you need a safety inspection
Electrical Car Charging Station

Sign of Things to Come?

????... sign of things to come? Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven has announced that the sale of cars with gasoline or diesel engines will be banned in his country after 2030 Sweden now joins Denmark, India, the Netherlands, Ireland,…
Wall Television Installation

When you want a nice TV but ART is life

When you want a nice TV but ART is life #samsungtheframe #FrameTV #LookMaNoGap #4K @ Cary, North Carolina
ARC Electric ! Home Theater Installations

Sometimes, size does matter!

Sometimes, size does matter! #77inches #Superbowlready #areyou?
Home Theater Installation

So thin

So thin #LGOLED #WallMount #sleekandsexy #Yeswedothat
Residentil Lighting - Grand!

Turn Bland into Grand

Turn Bland into Grand #New Year New Fixtures #comes with free Shadow formations #ARC Electric #Making houses Homes
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