24/7 emergency electrical services
in Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and all of Wake and surrounding counties.
One of the most important things we can do for our customers, is provide them with 24/7 emergency electrician services.
We understand that when your home is affected by electrical problems, time can be of the essence. We always have an electrician available for you to call at any time of day or night, even on holidays and weekends, for needed electrical repair.
Since no home or business should ever experience a power outage, we make sure there is someone who will respond within hours just in case something happens while you sleep or work.
Our live dispatchers are there to answer your calls 24/7
For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night and notice smoke pouring out from behind your refrigerator, this is an electrical emergency! Immediately call us! We can reach out to our team and have them on site in 2 hours or less!
If you see sparks coming from a light fixture, electrical outlets, or even a ceiling fan that means there might be a problem with your wiring. Contact a local emergency electrician as quickly as possible so they can pin point exactly where the issue lies and fix it right away before it starts an electrical fire in your home or business’ wiring system instead. at ARC Electric, we are that emergency electrical company!
Other signs you have an electrical emergency might be:

When Strange Smells and Noises Come from Your Walls
Those strange smells coming from your walls could be a sign you’ve got an issue with your wiring. This is especially the case if you’re smelling a burning smell. In most cases, it’s a short that’s causing a fire behind the wall. As you can probably guess, ignoring this could end up in some serious fire damage. Contact ARC Electric and we can have a licensed electricin out to inspect and repair your electrical system!
Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping
Your circuit breakers are the first line of defense against shorts. When you overload a circuit, it trips. When this happens, the breaker cuts the current, preventing damage to your home and appliances. If you’ve ever had one too many appliances on at a time, you know firsthand what happens when a breaker trips. Before you open your electrical panels, call your 24/7 emergency electrician to inspect your electrical system, including the circuit breaker box.

Whatever emergency you may be facing, we’re here for you. We offer 24 hour local emergency electricians, who can help with a wide array of electrical repairs, from residential to commercial. Our experienced licensed electricians are ready to help you get back up and running as quickly as possible